What's So Funny About Unemployment?

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Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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If you’re losing your unemployment benefits and/or COBRA benefits extension because the Senate didn’t pass it, this  Huffington Post story will explain how one Kentucky senator (and former Detroit Tiger) held them up Feb. 25:

Jim Bunning Repeatedly Blocks Unemployment Benefits Extension, Tells Dem ‘Tough Shit’.

The senator was apparently more upset over missing a Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game than he was over his filibustering the vote on the bill until almost midnight. (He didn’t like the way the bill funded the extensions.)

Hey, here’s a thought: He could have registered his objection, allowed his colleagues to vote on the bill, gone home to watch the game, and let his unemployed constituents keep their benefits! Unemployment in Kentucky is over 10 percent. And unemployed people do vote, you know.

Written by Joanne

February 27, 2010 at 5:34 am

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