What's So Funny About Unemployment?

A funny little unemployment blog for your (un) enjoyment

Archive for April 9th, 2010

Random thoughts

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  • Where did our delightful spring weather go this morning? It’s cold, overcast, and even a little snowy. Could it be because it’s Opening Day in Detroit? 😉
  • Speaking of Opening Day, tomorrow is officially Ernie Harwell Day in Michigan! I’m not a big baseball fan, but my dad and brother often listened to his broadcasts of Tigers games on WJR and our hometown AM station. I remember plenty of warm summer nights listening to Harwell’s warm and wonderful voice. Summer just isn’t the same here without him.
  • My poor car was slightly rear-ended again yesterday afternoon as I was leaving a job fair on my alma mater’s campus. The student who hit me was very nice and polite about it. I’m not going to report it to my insurance company; you can barely see the mark on my (new) bumper. This time.
  • I woke up today thinking it was Saturday morning. Which wasn’t good — I have a Toastmasters meeting early tomorrow morning and other commitments today. Who says the unemployed aren’t busy?
  • I am really, really enjoying using my new MacBook. It just works in the ways that a personal computer should work. And I made sure to get Microsoft Office: Mac so I could open, use, write, and send all the Word and Excel documents I need to communicate with the rest of the world. My biggest question: How will I ever adapt to using PCs again when I finally go back to work? Or should I find a job working with Macs? 😉
  • They (“they” being economists and pundits) say the economy’s improving. As one of my underemployed friends once said, the recession’s not over until I get a full-time job, dammit! Well, he had an interview the other day ….